This is jesseHillary from Ecity-101
So many times people either blog about it or make a you tube video on how to get a girlfriend in a quickie but in this blog i would specify on the ladies on how to get the best boyfriend in 5seconds,because today in Ukraine where i stay is the women's day and i thought it wise to pass across my very vast knowledge to all the ladies all over the world and i assure you that this tips would work for you.
First of all.
Guys this tips i have given you was what my girlfriend used on me and it totally worked so i hope you try this at your own expense and i promise you that if you apply this tips it would work and give you a very effective response
- A guy likes some one who is very confident in her self ,so when you are asked out to your first dinner,make sure you are your self,maybe you do not like his shirt so you could tell him this way..... ."honey i think that shirt looks like it was dropped in a dog's doddle before you wore it".and when he hears this words coming out from your mouth he would be so pleased at your confidence telling him that despite the fact he was going to give you a dirty slap across the face and then send you over to CHRIS BROWN for more whooping.
- Secondly a guy likes a lady who has a good sense of humour and when ever he cracks a joke you should always laugh as a matter of fact even if he talks about how his mom just died of cancer just keeping laughing at him and tell him his mom looked like MARILYN MONROE in the casket, he knows its a joke and i bet you he would be glad that you are happy with his jokes,even though he would be the one laughing at you in your casket after dinner.
- Also body language is very important if you want to get a guy when you talk to him make sure you look him in the eye and make sure your eyes are very wide open when looking at him do not worry it wouldn't freak him out instead he would be very comfortable ,then give him a big smile make sure the back of your head is showing through your mouth when smiling,i tell you it helps that he knows you are someone with a big smile.
- Next you have to be interested in what a guy likes so you should make sure to talk about poems,reading,jazz,OPRAH WINFREY,jersey shore,pets,nature,this always works,because guys are not really interested in any other thing than that,do not allow him to talk as guys like to listen to you talk about OPRAH WINFREYand SNOOKI all through the dinner.
- Guys like it when you play hard to get so when you are talking to him and he insist on giving you a kiss or he touches your hand gently,play hard to get by grabbing hold of maybe a wine bottle a smash it on his head,call the cops and have him sued for rape,do not worry guys like it that way,you are only playing hard to get,with this he would want you more and more while in jail and when he comes out you would see that he would love you the more,even though you would love him from afar with him still on earth and you in hell dead, love always abound.
- A guy likes it when you also get along with his friends that way he feel comfortable with you in presence of his friends ,so what you should do is call his friends in the middle of the dinner and tell them how you love them so much and how you like to get close with each of them with no limits ,for him to know that you are close with his friends make sure he hears the conversation on the phone with you and all his friends,i bet you he would be the most happiest man on earth.
- Guys like a honest lady so if maybe you both talk about your your exes tell him every thing,maybe all the guys you slept with,make sure to give details of every encounter ,he would know that you are honest to the core,its sexy to be that honest.